Other Helpful Sites:

Scaled Composites Home


Information on SpaceShipOne, White Knight and all other Scaled Composites projects.


X-Prize Foundation


Learn all about the X-prize, its history, and more!


Richard Seaman


Has some very good photos of SpaceShipOne, White Knight, and the chase plane.


[no logo]


Learn the in depth information on SpaceShipOne's propulsion system, from the people that made it!



Scaled Composites Press Gallery :: Slide Show ::


A good image collection in slide show format. Automatic delay from 1 to 60 seconds.

SpaceShipOne :: 1 :: .pdf format only  
SpaceShipOne :: 2 :: .pdf format only  
Flight Navagation Unit .pdf format only  
Mission Control .pdf format only  
Oxidizer Tank .pdf format only  
Propulsion Test .pdf format only  
Simulator .pdf format only