To conserve fuel, SpaceShipOne piggybacks a ride on the underside of a uniquely designed plane called White Knight.



White Knight is a manned, twin-turbo, high altitude research aircraft. Its first flight was on August 1st 2002.


Aft view of White Knight, with SSO, strapped underneath


White Knight wasn’t just used to carry SpaceShipOne up to a height of 50 000 ft, it was also used as a flight simulator for the SpaceShipOne pilots. This is because White Knight’s cockpit is almost identical to that found in SpaceShipOne. The Astronauts can practice boost, approach, and landing in a very realistic environment.



White Knight’s uses don’t end at mother ship. It can also be used for: reconnaissance, surveillance, atmospheric research, data relay, telecommunications, imaging, and booster launch for micro- satellites.