Welcome to my site on White Knight, and SpaceShipOne, both products of Scaled Composites, winners of the Ansari X-Prize. Here I will talk about SpaceShipOne, the first non-government funded craft to make it into space, and White Knight, a twin turbo high altitude research aircraft that carried SpaceShipOne to launch altitude.



Scaled Composites is an Aerospace and specialty components development company. It is located in Mojave, California. They are the company that created the record breaking aircraft SpaceShipOne and White Knight. They also created Global Flyer, the first airplane to fly non-stop around the world, ARES, ROTON, and ATTT.


Click to visit Scaled Composites


Scaled Composites was founded in 1982 by Burt Rutan


Brian, Paul, and Burt Rutan (Right)


Tier One:
Tier one is the name of the privately funded space program that was started by Scaled Composites on April 18th 2003.


Click Here to view the April 18th 2003 Tier One unveiling message.