Design 11

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Course Description

Design 11 (DES 11) Academic, 1 credit

Design 11 is accepted as a Fine Arts Credit or as a Technology credit.

Design is (or should be) a consideration in everything that is produced today. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of design, which will involve both the principles of good design, as well as learning how to apply a successful design process of creative inquiry. Students will then have opportunities to apply a design process through the use of state of the art design tools relevent to Communication Design and in the design of Built Environments. Design 11 offers students a new appreciation for what they see, experience, and engage around them. This is a fun and rewarding, though demanding course. To succeed in Design 11, applicants are recommended to have a credit in Art 10 or approval by the instructor.

Course Outline (download PDF document)

Applying Multimedia in the Visual Arts towards Meeting the Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation Essential Graduation Learnings

Course Outcomes (The course is guided by these)

Please note that some modules have been combined to help students best meet the course outcomes in a meaningful way within the constraints of a semestered school setting. For example, the Design Fundamentals module outcomes have been blended with those in the Communications Design module so students can engage a more cohesive and in depth learning experience.

Multimedia Studio


What is a design process and a design brief?

Fundamentals &

Communication Design

Media Awareness Fundamentals: Be Critical!

Branding Defined & Activity (class activity)


Who is manipulating media & bias? see here for web literacy

Web crediblity: Find who own's a site, where the page is linked to and who links to it. Paste the questioned site's url into the open field at

spotting bias on the web tools

more media awareness links

Form Follows Function: Fundamentals of understanding form.


Activities from the Bauhaus

 see HHS SAMPLES of Bauhaus

Art Journal Structure and Expectations (20%)

Observational / Symbolic / Expressive Art

 Art Journal Opportunities

FIRST P-UP OF TERM WORK WILL BE ON Nov 5th, 2003 (20% of Term)

What is the formula for our attention?

Propaganda and me...(MS WORD DOC)


Checked on Oct 25


Logic of Invention in Design: Fonts & Principles of Design (Art Journal cover design).

  • Fonts done by Feb. 19th
  • Principles of Des. by Tues Feb 24th
  • Art Journal cover: Last class for activity in March 12. To be handed in by March 23rd mounting can be done up to then during lunch hours.
Cover process evaluation template
 Principles of Design
  • to print, open in IExplorer and shrink one size in Print Preview.
     Elements and Principles of Design Team project
    N/A 2003-2004
    4 circles and a square inspiring a product  N/A for 2000/2001 -- see Art Journal cover design

    Perspective: How to invent space?

    Drawing techniques /rendering: thinking clearly and creatively through line & form

    Design Brief outline



    This project is designed to lead students to demonstrate the outcomes of the Design Fundamentals & Communication Design through one cohesive project.

    Very useful resources / must see:

    Part I support

    (choose one)



    Part II support (guides and tutorials)

    Part 1(ESSAY) Due March 29th, 2004 Essay evaluation here
    Part 2 Brief Due March 23rd, 2004
    Project HARD DUE DATE April 5, 2004 Media project assessment here

    Due dates correspond with the End of Term one. Extensions cannot be made.

    Apple iLife Award Recipient


     .pdf format get Acrobat

    Extra Communication Design projects
     See 2Oth Century Project  N/A 2000/20001 ---see MediaPower
     Exploring Principles of Design via the creation of postcards and/or logos  
     commDesProject.pdf  N/A 2000/20001 ---see MediaPower

    Built Environment


    Search WWW





    Heaven and Hell project


    Design a 3D space from your notion of Heaven or Hell.

    Due Wed. May 19

     Designing a fun space 2000  N/A 2000/20001. In 2001 students focused on designing a space in 2pt to suit a particular function.


    Built Environment Project 2004


    • Tutorials by April 27
    • Sites done May 4

    Here is an excellent resource for helping you to Build a Website


    Final Project

     Design: Final project

    • Proposals and briefs due BEFORE Friday, May 21
    • Questionnaires due: Thursday, June 10.
    • Projects are critiqued on your exam day, Thursday, June 17th.


    Assessment Criteria (Adobe Acrobat file)

    Project support materials:


    Team design process and collective responsibilities

    Drawing/ perspective and other techniques:

    Drawing: Art Studio Chalkboard

    Tutorials on Software

    Acadia University AITT


    Free Clip Art

    Colour theory and painting techniques:

    Painting Guide: an excellent resource of info!



    Virtual Architecture's Web Home

    architectural rendering and illustration - Perspective Arts


    Graphic Files

    Mac Users: Download the following folders to your computer, then drop this

    little application into the folder and click on it. It will run a slide show!



    Floor Plans



