Introduction to the Built Environment

designing a fun space


Our objective:
  You have been invited to compete for a contract to design a space for our fun centre, a community complex for people of all ages. The municipality has invited you to submit designs for a fun space targeted at a specific demogrophic of your choice.  

Describing your space:

To come up with a winning design you must first consider and desicribe:

1. the demographic (age, culture, sex, etc.) which this space is intended for?

2. what this demographic does or wants to do for fun and/or relaxation?

3. what conventional and innovative things could be done or designed to make this space attractive to your demographic?

For design ideas check out samples through Artifice Great Buildings Online.


See special notes from you team leader!


 Render the space:

Next, your client wants to see what you design might look like, and they have asked for a full colour rendering of this space in 2D. Your clients would also like to consider the fesiblity ond necessity for particualr lighting needs. Therefore, you are to use you knowledge of perspective drawing to render what this space would look like in an ideally lit condition. Thus, decide on and render the lighting effects you would like to have.


for examples visit:

architectural rendering and illustration - Perspective Arts

For help with perspective, visit Drawing: Art Studio Chalkboard

For design ideas check out

 Provide a floor plan:

Your client has requested that you also provide a clear floor plan of your space so they can get a clear idea of the dimensions and arrangement of your space.

You should also include with your proposal a professionally written description of your environment so that you client gets a clear picture of how your space will appeal to a specific demographic, and remain physically and fiscally feasible to construct.

Sample floor plans


Notes from your team leader:


You are competing with top quality, creative and innovative designers. To remain competetive you need to hunt down creative solutions and designs for your space. Thus I strongly recommend that you:

  • create through sketches at least five different variations of floor plans as well as 2pt illustrations.
  • experiment with differrent types of lighting and physical arrangements.
  • attempt to innovate fixtures and layouts that are ideal for your space.
  • come up with a concept or theme from which all of your fixtures and layout features will flow. For example, your theme might be freedom, thus all our your spaces would be designed to feel open, perhaps have high ceilings, a lot of windows, and little furniture. Frank Lloyd Wright played with this concept, search for his design solutions at Artifice Great Buildings Online.


Your client wants all submissions in by March 22, 2000.