Photo Gallery
This is a view of the ceiling on the stage. Some people say that the circular objects are suppose to help project sound but that is false. They really serve no purpose and are just there for decorative purposes.
This is a view of the stage front on. As you can see behind the stage and seating area is a pipe organ designed and built by Ronald Sharp.
This is the main stage area. As you can see the people sit all around the performance area. Every box of seats view is different, that way no show you would see could ever be the same.
The Sydney Opera House was said to be completed in four years but, it actually took 14 years to complete. It was also said to cost only about nine million dollars, but in the end it cost 400million dollars.
The stage and the foyer faced the open water and the people would enter from the city, this gave them the feeling of going from the busy city life, to a relaxing inertaining show at the opera house.