
Colonnade - A series of columns that are evenly spaced. There is a colonnade along the side of the Gallery.

Pavilion - An architectural element resembling a canopy or tent. In the National Gallery of Canada there is a large glass pavilion.

Gothic - An architectural style of western Europe from the 12th-15th century. Pointed arches, rib vaulting, and an emphasis on height characterize this style of architecture. Inside the National Gallery there is a gothic revival of a chapel.

Bauhaus - A 20th century school of design that emphasized aesthetic elements derived by techniques and materials that were used in industrial manufacturing.

Stucco - A construction material composed of cement, sand and lime. It is a durable finish, and usually applied while wet. Stucco can be a very artistic medium of construction.

Victorian - A style of architecture that was prominent during the reign of Queen Victoria. This style has much ornamentation. It was popular in 19th century England.

Ornate - Very flashy, and excessively ornamented.

For all these definition we used