This was for the art project of principles of design (see below description) this was originally meant to portray proportion but ended up being more rhythm. Personally, I still see it as proportion. The color palette was originally just cool colors, but became somewhat complementary with the added reddish pink color in the background.


This was for my art project (create four images without actual forms- as in lamps or something- using the principles of design). This was based off the principle of assymetry, using what was first a warm color palette and then something of a complimentary color palette (it's a bit difficult to tell with the image quality, but the background is a very light green).


This was one of the earlier assigned sketches in the year (draw an enlarged cross section of fruit or a flower). This was drawn from a picture on the internet of an aster (or a saint michaelmas flower). I made a mistake in the bottom left hand corner (ish) with a blue line that doesn't make any sense. I'm not sure how I managed to do that.


A quick sketch (which ended up taking about an hour anyways) of a friends shoe. Her laces were a warmer purple than I sketched in, but otherwise I was as true to the actual shoe as possible.


Another school free sketch. I love how the face turned out and I love the design of it (drawn a little bit from reference from a picture online, but changed quite drastically) I wish I would have done a cleaner job with the black crosshatching near the face, I still find that to be really distracting.


This was drawn without reference (no need) and was just a fun sketch I did to practice my shading and design. My biggest concern was not being able to fully cover the page, which I never did manage to do. But I got over half of it done and I'm planning on finishing it fully later.