Admittedly a picture that can't make much sense without an explanation. The slug, bug, creature in between the hands was taken from a game (well, the entire picture is based off a game but I only used the design of the slug directly from it). The game (Bioshock) is all in first person, so you never see who you are, just the hands. There is some slug levitation in the game depending on how you play it :). The first hand was referenced from my own and the second was half my own and half (the glove bit) a picture from the internet.

This was the first in a series of larger sketches that I did for an english project back in 07. We had to read a book of our choice (in my case Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy) and then create four large artworks about themes, scenes and/or characters in the book. This was my portrait of the character in the book 'Father Time' who was the child of Jude and his first wife. Hardy doesn't spend much time with him, but he's more or less a representation of consequence to the parents. He kills himself and his two siblings because of the problems he saw them causing his parents (leaving a note behind saying 'done because we are too menny') and doing this marks the final transition phase for his two parents- going now into the tired, accepting (and thus abruptly religious) selves. Throughout the book he doesn't speak much and spends a lot of his time simply observing. The picture quality isn't fabulous here and some of the details (like around the left eye) are sadly mangled.This was drawn from reference (with a few changes, by yours truly) from a picture online.


The second in the english project series. Here is a picture of Jude himself, studying in Christminster. This was referenced from a scene from the movie (of the book) and it DID have a three page long essay accompanying it but I honestly don't remember what the story was behind this particular shot. I do remember that at the time it was a much larger scale than I was used to working with which is my main excuse for the large crosshatching (especially in the hair).