At this time, our flagship product, the eBox 2500 is the only appliance available on this page. Rated among the most usable and powerful PCs 3 years in a row, and with a slew of testimonials that put most religions to shame, it's clearly indicative of our dedication to your information enjoyment.

The eBox, with it's HEV Mark5 processor, it is more powerful than Jesus Christ. With a clock speed of 2.67ghz (more GHz = faster) and 256mb of lightening fast memory, it powers past the competition, leaving them praying for the sweet release of death.

The housing is made of frosted Plexiglas, for a progressive, stylized look. It will fit perfectly into your home, office, or coffee shop.

One of the first things you may notice about this computer is that it lacks a keyboard and mouse. In our futuristic vision, computers will no longer require these archaic input methods. For that reason, we include only a microphone, and a copy of our voice recognition software. No longer will you struggle with typing, the most ancient form of data input since the written word. You'll simply dictate to your computer, and it will copy it down as fast as you can speak it. According to our usability tests, this system is over 75% accurate.

Instead of the antiquated CD or DVD ROM drives, the eB0X uses a new, proprietary e-R0M drive. Now that it's impossible to install 3rd party software, it's also impossible to get damaging viruses. The innovation makes our computer the most stable on the market. Many of our users wondered at first, how they would survive without a choice of thousands of software titles. It turns out that you only need the 7 titles we provide with the system. These 7 programs perform every function necessary for general use. They're so great, you don't even need a choice!

Third party hardware is another source of instability. We've cleverly solved this problem, by making it impossible to install anything not made by [NA]PC. This innovation ensures that our valued customers install only the finest peripherals made by us.
Viruses, being a great problem for innocent users, have plagued computers since the dawn of time. Finally, we have found a way to prevent such infection. It is impossible, by Internet or otherwise, to associate in any way with users of standard IBM compatible PCs. No files created on a standard IBM compatible PC can be opened on an [NA]PC. In addition, to prevent further danger of contamination, we include a free "[NA]Snob Kit". It includes a "I'd rather be driving an eBOX" Bumper Sticker, an eBOX coffee mug, with a one month supply of fancy imported coffee, as well as a list of reasons people who drink regular coffee aren't as good as you. Finally, this free kit includes a woven hemp tote bag, which you can use to carry your eBook laptop, Art Journal, poetry, and whatever other hippie paraphernalia you wish.