October 1 |
October 2 |
October 5 |
- Example (Fletcher's Trolley)
- Connected Masses & Incline (simulation)
- MP/486 & PP/488-9
- Notes
October 6 |
October 7 |
October 8 |
October 9 |
- HW Probe (Atwood's Machine PP)
- Atwood's Machine LAB (finish & work on)
- Atwood's Write-Up
October 13 |
October 14 |
- Work on FOP (Static Equilibrium) booklet ~ 6-1 and 6-2
- Review of Static Equilibrium (FOP/Problems/12-22)
- Work on Atwood's Machine Lab
- Make sure PP are done from 10-2
- Notes
October 15 |
- Torque
- FOP: 6-3 (#1)
- MP/493 & PP/495
- Notes
October 16 |
- Torque & Static Equilibrium
- Teeter-Totter
- MP/498
- PP/6-3/FOP booklet/2-4
- Balancing Act
- Notes
October 19 |
- FOP Example: Monkey on Flagpole
- MP/496
- PP/6-3/FOP booklet/5-7
- PP/501
- Notes
October 20 |
- Torque ~ Bridge Problem
- Text Neck
- Review of Static Equilibrium (FOP/Problems/24, 25, 27-36)
- Notes
October 21 |
October 22 |
October 26 |
October 27 |
- Elastic Collisions
- Look over MP/514
- PP/515
- Review: p529/26-30 and p627/38, 41, 45
- ADV: Inelastic Collisions & Conservation of Energy (p520-525)
- Notes
October 28 |
October 29 |
October 30 |
- Projectile demos (pink ball drop, yellow ball toss)
- Projectiles (horizontally launched)
- MP/534 & PP/536-537
- Notes