May 1 |
May 2 |
May 3 |
- Planetay Mechanics (Fg = Fc)
- MP/585 & PP/586
- Assignment: p597/22-33 (due Thursday)
- Notes
May 4 |
- Scientific Models of Gravity
- Finish Labs (Centripetal Force & Solar System Case Study)
- Work on assignment
May 7 |
May 8 |
May 9 |
- Graphs of Simple Harmonic Motion
- p673/22-30
- Notes
May 10 |
- LAB: Simple Harminic Motion
May 11 |
May 14 |
- Review: p624/1-6 and p627/39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46
May 15 |
May 16 |
May 17 |
May 18 |
May 22 |
- 14-2 Describing Fields
- MP/645 & PP/646-647
- MP/648 (look over) & PP/649
- Notes
May 23 |
- 14-2 Describing Fields
- Handout on Field Lines
- MP/652, 653 & PP/655
- MP/657 (look over) & PP/658
- Notes
May 24 |
- Be sure all PP from 14-1 and 14-2 are done
May 25 |
- HW PROBE: Coulomb's Law and vectors
- Millikan Case Study (due Wed) .......see also Millikan Oil Drop
May 28 |
- Magnets, Motors & Generators PPT (slides 1-10)
- Video: A World in Motion - Magetism
- BrainPop: Magnetism
- Play with magnets and draw magnetic field lines
May 29 |
- Magnets, Motors & Generators PPT (slides 11 -32)
- Right Hand Rule sheet
- FOP/PP (Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field)
May 30 |
- Magnets, Motors & Generators PPT (slides 33 - 41)
- FOP/PP (Force on Moving Charges)
May 31 |
- Magnets, Motors & Generators PPT (slides 42-58)
- FOP Review/20-25, 33-36
June 1 |
- Go over notes from Thursday (May 31)
June 4 |
- Magnets, Motors & Generators PPT (slides 59-70)
- Diagram for DC Motor
- Electromagnetic Induction booklet & PP
- PPP Review booklet
June 5 |
- QUIZ: Magnetic Force on a Conductor
- Work on review booklets
June 6 |
- Review for Test (Chapters 14 & 16)
- Suggested review: p684/28-32, p798/18, p802/38-40, 42, 43, 45, 48-50
June 7 |
June 8 |
June 20 |