September 5 & 6 |
- Course Outline
- Review Quiz
- "What's Green & Fluffy" puzzle (review of graphing linear functions)
- Activate Prior Learning: Polynomials
September 7 |
- Review of Factoring
- Factoring Practice sheets
- Notes
September 10 |
September 11 |
September 12 |
September 13 |
- 7-2 Properties of Graphs of Quadratic Functions
- Read p368
- CYU/368-369
- p369/4
- p370/5-16 (#8 set up table of values and graph by hand)
- Notes
September 14 |
- 7-3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
- Worksheet: Solving Quadratics by Graphing
- CYU (379-380)
- p380-381/5-13
- Notes
September 17 |
- Solving Quadratics by Factoring
- "Who Killed Mr. Factor"
- Notes
September 19 |
- 7-4 Factored Form of a Quadratic Function
- CYU/391
- p391/4-13
- Notes
September 20 |
- 7-5 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
- CYU/405
- p405/3-15
- Notes
September 21 |
- Mid-Chapter Review (read p396-397)
- p394/15 & 17
- p398/ALL
- Notes1
- Notes2
September 24 |
- Info & Graphs from Quadratic Given in Vertex Form
September 25 |
- 7-6 Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
- CYU/417
- p417/4-15
- Notes1 and Notes2
September 26 |
- 7-7 Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic Formula
- CYU/427
- Notes
September 27 |
September 28 |
- QUIZ (7.1 to 7.5)
- Sheets for Practice
- Droodle Algebra (factoring practice)
- Quadratics Intro Assign (General Form)
- Consider the function.......
- Practice (Relations & Functions)