October 3 |
October 4 |
October 5 |
- 7-2 Properties of Graphs of Quadratic Functions
- Read p368
- CYU/368-369
- p369/4
- Notes
October 6 |
- 7-2 Properties of Graphs of Quadratic Functions (continued)
- p370/5-16 (#8 set up table of values and graph by hand)
- Notes
October 7 |
- 7-3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
- CYU (379-380)
- p380-381/5-13 (omit #11)
- Notes
October 11 |
- 7-3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing (continued)
- CYU (379-380)
- p380-381/5-13 (omit #11)
- Notes
October 12 |
- 7-4 Factored Form of a Quadratic Function
- CYU/391
- p391/4-13 (omit #9)
- Notes
October 13 |
- Mid-Chapter Review (read p396-397)
- p394/15 & 17
- p398/ALL, but omit #12
- Notes
October 14 |
- 7-5 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
- CYU/405
- p405/3-15
- Notes
October 17 |
- 7-6 Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
- CYU/417
- p417/4-15
- Notes1 and Notes2
October 18 |
October 19 |
October 20 |
- 7-7 Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic Formula
- CYU/427
- p428/4-10, 13
- Notes
October 21 |
- 7-8 Solving Problems Using Quadratic Models
- CYU/436
- p436-438 (OMIT #s 3, 4, 6-9, 11, 12)
- Notes
October 24 |
- p440/Self Test (OMIT #5)
- p443-444/Chapter Review (OMIT #s 14, 15, 17)
October 25 |
October 26 |
- HW PROBE (7-6 Vertex Form)
- Chapter 7 TEST (review sheet).....answers posted in Google Classroom
October 27 |
- 1-1 making Conjectures: Inductive Reasoning
- Notes
October 31
Trig or Treat |
- Review for Test
- 1-1 making Conjectures: Inductive Reasoning (continued)
- CYU/12
- p12/3, 5-9, 11 & 12
- p17/1-3