December 1 & 3 |
- 7.3 The structure of matter
- Perimeter Explorations ~ Beyond the Atom: Remodelling Particle Physics
- The Particle Adventure
- Activity 1: Video Summary
- Activity 4: Taming the Particle Zoo
December 7 & 9 |
December 11 & 14 |
- Particle Physics (Tutorials 1-12)
- For each tutorial, be sure to check the Links in the upper right corner (you may need to scroll to the right) and also check out the "Test Yourself" tab for review quizzes. (The "Links" and "Test Yourself" change for each tutorial)
December 16 |
- Prescribed Practical: The exponential decay of bubbles
January 4 |
- Prescribed Practical: Measuring refractive index of a glass block
January 6 |
- Prescribed Practical: Measuring the speed of sound by sampling the sound from a pipe
January 8 |
- QUIZ ~ Topic 7
- work on labs
January 12 |
January 14 |
January 18 |
January 20 |
- Review for test & Individual Investigation
January 22 |
- Investigating the Terminal Velocity of a Coffee Filter (DCP)
- Impulse & Momentum Lab
- Pendulum Lab
- Wave Speed Video Analysis
- Investigating Craters in the Sand (DESIGN LAB)
- DESIGN LAB: Investigating the factors affecting wave speed in a slinky
- DESIGN LAB: Investigating the factors affecting the stopping distance of a bicycle