Mrs. L. Wheadon, Ms. D. Freeman, Mrs. K. Fuller, and Mr. K. Carver
Welcome back and welcome to grade 11 math! It’s time again to start
juggling the commitments of school with your social life and, for some
of you, with the commitments of work. At times the
juggling act can become very stressful. Your best defense is good organization.
to be Successful in Grade 11 Math?
We would like to remind you that this is an academic
level course. The expectations and pace of this course will reflect this.
You will be expected to have the skills necessary to be successful in
this course, i.e. a solid grounding in grade 10 math. If you find yourself
having trouble with the content of the course or keeping up with the pace
seek help immediately – do not put it off. This
is especially crucial in a semestered course – you must realize
you are basically half way through by the END OF OCTOBER, almost half
of your marks have been accumulated by then.
We will be using the Department
of Education curriculum outcomes and Mathematical Modeling Book 2.
This curriculum will be covered through a number of methods including
regular homework. An overview of the curriculum follows:
Unit 1 - Algebra in 3 |
Unit 2 - Sinusoidal Functions |
Unit 3 - Trigonometric
Equations |
Unit 4 - Statistics |
Unit 5 - Trigonometry
Applications |
Expected Work Load:
Often, when students enter
a course, they don’t know what to expect for a workload. We would
identify the following as the expected workload.
– daily (Homework is an essential part of any math course! Students
will always struggle through questions the first time they apply new concepts
– this struggle can take place during homework time or it can take
place during an evaluation – your choice!)
Quizzes –
three per term
Tests –
two tests per term
Portfolio -
one per term
Final Exam -
one exam on complete course
Evaluation Scheme
- Each term is valued at 40% of the final mark and the exam is valued
at 20% of the final mark. The scheme for the tem evaluation is given below:
Tests* |
50% |
Quizzes** |
30% |
Portfolio*** |
20% |
*There will be 2 tests each
term. Any student who misses a test, and has a valid written excuse
explaining their absence, should be prepared to write a make
up test on the day they return to school or as soon after as can be arranged
by the teacher.
**There will be 3 quizzes each term. Any student who misses a quiz, and
has a valid written excuse explaining their absence, should be
prepared to write a make up quiz on the day they return to school or as
soon after as can be arranged by the teacher.
***Your portfolio will include all corrected quizzes and tests (5%), a
completed application assignment (5%), homework assignments that have
been collected (without prior warning)(5%), a self-evaluation and reflection
sheet and a checklist (5%). You are responsible for ensuring that your
portfolio is complete and well organized by the due date. (refer to the
portfolio outline for additional clarification)