Media Studies


Marshall McLuhan's Laws of Media


Context. The media IS the message! Go an look at some excellent Canadian Heritage minutes, including the vignette about Marshall McLuhan.

Here is a compilation of links that offer some context to the issues we will be studying

Here is an informal note about his famous statements, "the medium is the message" and the concept of the "global village".



Here is the introductory PowerPoint presentation offering students insight on the expectations we hold for web sites (warning - these are points of discussion - not essential notes for copying!).

Here is a website that outlines effective web design considerations.

Here is the criteria checklist we are using to measure the effectiveness of websites.

Here is the scoring rubric we are using to evaluate websites.

These are the websites students are casting a critical eye on for web-proficiency.



Magazines - Introductory notes.

Magazine checklist.

Brand Identifiers Part 2 of Magazine checklist.




Television Advertisements - characteristics.



A living example of branding - Manchester United Football Club.

Brand Identifiers

NO LOGO by Naomi Klein- The Official Website

No Logo - Excerpts. Excerpts and questions.

Check out the websites for these products and determine the image they wish to cultivate;



Expectations for your major project are available here.

Here are some useful links that might help you work on your project.

Here are the expectiations for the Advertising Campaign project.