Media Project - English 11

Creating an Advertising Campaign

Your challenge is to come up with an advertising campaign to sell the product assigned to you.

In groups of 4, You will:

Decide what your product is, how it works, how people could use it, and how you will sell it.

Create a story board (sample here) for a thirty-second advertisement, showing how you will present your advertising campaign on television.

Show how you will sell your product in print by making an advertisement that would go on a full page of a magazine. You will create the ad on a 1/2 page of bristol board.

Explain, in written form, the choices you made for your advertisements, and why they are effective ways to create an image and sell your product. You should discuss the following issues:

  • The image you want people to associate with your product.
  • Your target audience (age, gender, income)
  • The advertising approaches you employed to sell the product.
  • The outlets (shows, time of the day, day of the week for TV, magazines for print ads) you would choose to most effectively meet your target audience.
  • Other stylistic choices for your ad (i.e. humour, spoof of another well-known item).

Write a personal response that outlines the contributions of EACH member of the group.

Some other notes:

This is a GROUP assignment, but not everybody will get the same mark. The group will get an overall mark that will be the foundation for each student's mark. The mark for each group member will rise or fall, based on their contribution to the success of the project.


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