St. Peter

Simon was St. Peters true and original name sometime also spelled Symeon. St. Peter was the son of Jona and was born in Bethsaida, a small town that is place don Lake Genesareth, this place cannot be determined with certainty. Andrew lived with his mother in law in his own house settled in Capharnaum. Simon was married at the beginning of the Christ’s public ministry and according to Clement of Alexandria he had children. It is said that St. Peters wife suffered and died from martyrdom. Along with many others of he time Simon became interested in speeches about god that were being told by Jesus to worship god and follow his ways. After his first meeting with the other disciples they all remained with Jesus for some time. He accompanied him to many places to spread the word of God. Soon after Simon or Peter was chosen to be a permanent disciple and than was chosen as one of Christ’s Twelve Apostils in preaching to everyone the kingdom of God.


St. Peter had a strong trust and belief in the teachings of he lord but in spite of Jesus, Peter still did not understand the mission and work of God. He soon overcame his doubts and curiosity and began to preach once again and with even more belief than before about the reasons why each person should follow the teachings of God and be christened to save them and the world in the present and after death. Peter as the head of the Apostles was later confirmed by Jesus himself. Shortly after Jesus was crucified three women found his tomb to be empty and were given a message for Peter by an angel who came to tell Peter about Christ’s resurrection. Peters spent the last few years of his life continuing spreading the word of god before he died in Rome, the same place that he was born and lived his life.