The temple of Venus has 10 columns crossed and then one extra one each side with three angle like people on the top of the building. The inside of the roof has beautiful designs on the top that look almost like David’s star and it show that great time went into it this piece of work. This work took up so much space to do and to work because of all of the other temples surrounding it with there beauty and showing how amazing the Roman Architecture that the Romans had and how they used there tools to make such beautiful arts of work.


The design era of this work was mostly urban and was for the people. This piece of work is unique in many wonderful ways such as the star like shapes and designs on the top of the structure and the lines in the columns that are only on some and not on the others. Also the leafs that were put on the top of the columns are amazing and give the structure great character and beauty. You can tell that a great detail was put into this work and time was put into this piece of work and it made it so much more beautiful.


The climate that this temple was built in was very hot, and taking 12 years to make, people probably died while making this piece. The dedication that was put into this building was and is amazing. In 283 A.D. a fire had occurred and had burnt down the roof of the building the temple was rebuilt by a man named Maxentius. He made sure that he had got the original copy so he could build it just as the original version was. The temple of Venus lies on a street that goes up from a harbor through the Porta Marina and right to the forum. The place it sits is beautiful and very eliquant it give that work almost a better look to it because of the age on it.