This temple, designed by emperor Hadrian. He was bornin 76 and died 138 A.D. He was dedicated to the patron goddesses of Rome. The temple of Venus was dedicated to Venus Felix. Roma, the divine personifaction of the city, and Venus, the mother of

Aenaeas ancestor of Romulus and Remus.

This particular piece was made in 123-135. People all over the world know his work and respect it. It was this temple, which caused the famous rift between Hadrian and Apollodorus, the brilliant court architect of emperor Trajan. When he was asked his opinion about the emperor's design, Apollodorus pointed out that the seated statues of the godesses were too large for the temple. For if they would stand up, they would actually knock their heads on the ceiling.
But Hadrian was not a man able to handle criticism. Those comments should eventually cost Apollodorus his life.
The temple of Venus was finished by antoninus pius.