Frieze - the part of a classical entablature between the architrave and the cornice, usually decorated with sculpture in low relief.
Rotunda - a large and high circular hall or room in a building, esp. one surmounted by a dome.
Portico - a structure consisting of a roof supported by columns or piers, usually attached to a building as a porch.
Corinthian columns - an upright pillar or post with ornate, spiralling carvings at the capital.
Pediment - a low gable, typically triangular with a horizontal cornice and raking cornices, surmounting a colonnade, an end wall, or a major division of a façade.
Cornice - any prominent, continuous, horizontally projecting feature surmounting a wall or other construction, or dividing it horizontally for compositional purposes.
Capital - the distinctively treated upper end of a column, pier, or the like.
Arcade - an arched or covered passageway, usually with shops on each side.
Entablature - the entire construction of a classical temple or the like between the columns and the eaves, usually composed of an architrave, a frieze, and a cornice.
Aedicules - a small construction, as a shrine, designed in the form of a building.