Moors- They are Arab conquerors of Spain. They are mainly Muslims from the area of morocco.

Mocárabe- Is the overahang design over the arches. They contain a complex array of vertical prisms.

Arabesques- A complex, ornate design of intertwined floral, foliate, and geometric figures.

(PBUH)- This stands for “peace be upon him.” Muslims always say this after saying the prophet’s name.

Stucco motifs- Plaster used for a repeated design, shape or pattern.

Dynasty- A succession of rulers from the same family.

Masonry- this is the stone or brick parts of a building or other structure.

Aristocratic- People belonging to a noble or rich family.

Foliage- Architectural ornamentation based on leaves and stems.

Arcade- They are passageways or buildings with a series of arches that are support columns.

Stalactites- A pointed hanging pillar in a limestone cave that has gradually built up as a deposit from ground water seeping through the cave’s roof.