Art 12 Essay's in Term 1 |
As art 12 students you need to demonstrate that you can describe and assess art and discuss it in a clear and logical fashion. Essay structures are designed to create clear and logical arguements. Thus, please discuss an art work in depth and construct an arguement about it from one of these two topics:Essay #1: Art and Institutions of Power Art works made during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were created, at least in part, to serve the objectives of the dominant institution(s) of their day (e.g. the Roman Catholic Church). Selecting an artwork, space, or monument from the Renaissance or the Middle Ages, explain how the work's aesthetics (form), symbols, and overall content served a particular agenda. See Example (5mb /.doc format .. missing title page) Essay #2: Art as proponant for struggle and change. Referencing an art work from the Neo-Classical, Romanticist, or Realist era, demonstrate how an artwork can act as a timeless metaphor for a particular struggle. This can be done by using the artwork as a metaphor for a contemporary struggle. E.g. the Raft of Medussa as a metaphor for the plight of those suffering from AIDS in Africa. This project may necessitiate that you make yourself educated in the art work's meaning and the conemporary issue you explore. See example of a well written Essay: -->Essay topic 2: Example 1, Example 2 Click here for a good comparitive essay structure.
Essay Form:
Your evidence needs to be defended with:
See criteria for your essay format and referencing artwork here Use this resource for analysing art works Resources:
Writing about art:In term one, you are to write at least 3 short (1000-1500 word) essays, each on a visual artist who demonstrates excellence (see links for names). The objective of this paper is for you to gain a critical understanding of the art work, creative process, or impact of particular figures from art history while also strengthening your ability to write clearly and logically. When you write your paper, tell your audience of the artist's aesthetic achievements, impact on society or art, and/or their creative process. Describe the aesthetic attributes of at least one, but ideally three of their art works. You might also discuss their role in a particular art movement while enlightening your reader of the movement's nature. Her biography is not too important, but it can be added if it fits the thesis statement (not to exceed a paragraph). Each paper is to: have a thesis statement and a body that ONLY aims to support the statement
Labeling an art work:
in a bibliography, an article would be listed as: HANSSEN, BEATRICE, Christo's Wrapped Reichstag: Globalized Art in a National Context.. Vol. 73, The Germanic Review, 09-22-1998, pp 351(1). |