Romeo and Juliet Timelines

You will need the following items:
· 3 pieces of blank, unlined paper - 8.5 x 11
· Pencils
· Colouring pencils, crayons, markers - whichever colouring utensil you prefer
· Knowledge of the play Romeo and Juliet.
· Brain (full of ideas is preferred)

What will we do with these things?

In a nutshell, you will summarise the acts of Romeo and Juliet on five landscaped (that is, on their side), half-pages of paper.


You will summarise the acts of Romeo and Juliet on five landscaped, half-pages of paper.

Go on…

Your task is to create an appropriate image, find an appropriate quote, and put together a creative piece for each act. You should have appropriate images and quotes to help create a good understanding of the play. You connect the five acts together to create a timeline that narrates the story.

Sounds Cool!

It is. You get to dictate what goes on the page. There are many images to choose from, so you might find it appealing to create a bit of a collage. Remember though, you only have half a piece of paper, presented on its side. Choose your images carefully.

But I can't draw!

There are many ways to compensate for a lack of artistic polish through creativity and effort. Colouring, cool construction paper borders, a clever selection of images and so on! Photocopying and printing from the internet are NOT clever solutions and should not be attempted. Don't let your technical shortcomings hinder your fabulous sense of creativity.


Well, if you want to call it a catch, I guess it would be this: I want you to provide a write-up explaining the images you created, your choice of quote, and an explanation of why you did what you did. About 200 words, give or take 10%, should be enough to provide a description and explanation for each act.

That doesn't sound too hard.

It isn't, but there's a little more to it than you think. After all, how do you sum up an entire act of Romeo and Jiuliet in just one quote?