Romeo and Juliet
Act 5
Provide act, scene and line references whenever you give examples

1. Who is Balthasar?

2. What news does Balthasar bring to Romeo?

3. Why is the apothecary reluctant to sell Romeo a potion?

4. How does Romeo convince the apothecary?

5. Why wasn't Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo sent?

6. Why is Paris' page "…Almost afraid to stand alone/ Here in the churchyard…" (V. ii. 10-11)?

7. What is a mattock?

8. What reason does Romeo give Balthasar for entering the Capulet vault?

9. Why does Paris try to stop Romeo from entering the vault?

10. Juliet remains radiant, even in "death". Find a quote to support this claim.

11. In what ways does Juliet attempt to join Romeo in death?

12. What extra pain did Montague feel as he discovered his dead son?

13. What is the meaning of Friar Laurence's words in scene 3, 225-226?

14. What is ironic about Laurence's opening line of his soliloquy in scene 3, 227-268?

15. Summarise the important details of Laurence's soliloquy in scene 3, 227-268.

16. What is done by the heads of the families as an act of sorrow and new found peace between the families?