Romeo and Juliet
Act 2
Provide act, scene and line references whenever you give examples

1. Mercutio constantly ridicules people who are in love. Find examples in the story where this occurs Write down appropriate lines and explain Mercutio's humour in the face of love, Act 2 scene 1 and Act 2 scene 4 are good starting points.

2. Describe some of the compliments Romeo pays Juliet in Act 2 scene 2. Cite the compliment and use line references to support your views.

3. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" (II. ii. 33). Explain the significance of this line.

4. According to Romeo, how did he get in the orchard? How did he find the right location? Use Act, scene and line references to support your answer.

5. What is Juliet saying in Act 2, Scene 2 85-106?

6. What is Juliet's opinion of the balcony meeting? Find an appropriate quote to support your views.

7. Friar Laurence's comments about the nature of plants have a greater meaning. What is it?

8. How did Friar Laurence respond to Romeo's wedding request? Provide a translation of Lines 61-76 in scene 3.

9. Why does Laurence finally agree to the wedding?

10. What "jousting" goes on in scene 4?

11. What words does Romeo use to describe Mercutio? Cite lines with proper notation.

12. What warning does the nurse offer Romeo?

13. Romeo provides specific instructions to the nurse before they part. What are they?

14. In what way does the nurse irritate Juliet in scene 5? Provide specific examples.

15. Why are Friar Laurence's opening lines of scene 6 significant?