Horton Reads - 3 of 4.                                   


Tricky Vocabulary:  Pick at least three tricky words (provide pg. ref.) and provide a definition. _________________________________________________________________________________________




Map maker:  Develop a map of the area in which your story takes place.  Be sure to put relevant geographical features (mountains, lakes) or man-made features (roads, houses, etc.) to establish the area where your story takes place.  If your story is confined to a very small area (a house or room, for example) illustrate that as you see it in the story.





























Discussion points. -Your job is to come up with 4 topics that have been raised by reading this book.  They might be issues directly addressed in the book, or issues that youÕve though of because of reading the book. ______________________________________________________________________________________________






Prediction time:

As your story nears its conclusion, how do you think the story is going to end?  Reread your prediction from section 1 and judge how accurate you were, and then try to predict what will happen in the remaining part of the story.






