The Pearl

Page numbers refer to the soft cover novel. Hard cover page references are listed in parentheses.

Chapter 3

Re-read the third chapter of The Pearl and respond to the following challenges.

Vocabulary – define the following terms:




precipitated (precipitate)






  1. The opening of chapter 3 states, "A town is a thing like a colonial animal..." As you read the first paragraph, this comparison is further explained. Find examples in this chapter where this image is used. In each case, provide the example, a page reference to support your views.

2. How did the Priest respond to Kino’s good news?

3. How did the doctor respond to Kino’s discovery?

4. List, in order, the various items Kino planned to acquire once he ahs sold the pearl. What is the significance of each?

5. Are there any messages in this chapter that hint to a less than idyllic ending for Kino and his family? Cite examples and page references.