The Pearl

Page numbers refer to the soft cover novel. Hard cover page references are listed in parentheses.

Chapter 2

Re-read the second chapter of The Pearl and answer the following questions.


Vocabulary – define the following terms:







incandescence (incandescent)



  1. What is the mirage Steinbeck is referring to? What does it represent?
  2. What factors in the story lead to this assessment?
  3. What conditions surround these people to make them feel this way?
  4. Find examples of foreshadowing in this chapter and explain their relevance to the rest of the story.

Refer to the first sentence on page 22 (last line of the only full paragraph on pg 16 ) . What does Steinbeck mean by " God or the Gods or both"? Consider the first full paragraph on page 2(paragraph starting on bottom of 1) and the final paragraph on page 22 (Second paragraph on pg. 17) "Now Kino’s people..." when answering.

5. Look at the last paragraph that starts on pg. 22 (Second paragraph on 17 ) and continues on to pg. 23 (,to top of 18). How does the structure of the writing help develop the reader’s appreciation of the activity taking place at the time?

6. How does Steinbeck create suspense around the finding of the "Pearl of the World"? on pages 24, first started paragraph & 25 (second paragraph on 18 to last full paragraph on 19)?

7.Even as Kino basked in the grandeur of the "Pearl of the World", Steinbeck hinted at negative consequences that would come from it. What carefully selected words give this moment of triumph a dark undertone?