Double – Entry Journal                     


      NAME_____________________________CLASS_____ DATE____________     


  1. As you read, make at least _____ entries in your double-entry diary.  You may continue on the back of the paper or attach more sheets as you need them.
  2. In the left column, copy a word, or sentence  or group of sentences that got you thinking when you read it.  If possible, include the page number where it appeared.
  3. In the right column, tell what you were thinking.  If you wish, use one of the following prompts to tell what you were thinking:    

    This reminds me of....

    I wonder...
    I picture in my mind....
    This seems important because....
    I think this means....
    I am confused because...

Direct Quote and page number

What were you thinking?

Pg 3: "What's the trouble here?" The aret teachers was ...













  • Teachers really don't know everything that's going on in a classroom. It should be a safe place, but it's not hard to see why that isn't always the case.