Anticipation guide – Sticks and stones by Beth Goobie.

Directions: read each statement carefully and decide whether or not you agree or disagree with it.  Circle one of the choices below the statement:


“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you.”

Strongly agree         agree        disagree            strongly disagree


Guys tell stories to enhance their reputations. 

Strongly agree   agree        disagree            strongly disagree


There are different dating standards for guys and girls. 

Strongly agree   agree        disagree            strongly disagree

When a rumour goes around school, everyone finds out.

Strongly agree   agree        disagree            strongly disagree


“bros before hos” is an acceptable phrase. 

Strongly agree         agree        disagree            strongly disagree


If you’re the source of a rumour, eventually, they'll find someone else and leave you alone.

Strongly agree         agree        disagree            strongly disagree


A reputation is something others give you, not something you earn.

Strongly agree         agree        disagree            strongly disagree


Once you have a reputation, you are stuck with it.

Strongly agree  agree             disagree        strongly disagree