By Naomi Klein (2000)

Pg. 8: The Brand’s Death (Rumors of Which Had Been Greatly Exaggerated)


1.    Increased advertising creates a need for increased advertising.  Explain.


2.    The 1990s brought in an era of increasingly creative advertisement campaigns.  Why?  Provide examples of various campaigns to support your answer.


3.    What was “Marlboro Friday”?


4.    Where did companies start putting their money instead of advertising, around 1991?


5.    What does “Conceptual Value-added” mean?


6.     Why was it significant that Marlboro was the first brand to lose faith in branding?


7.    How did advertising companies react to the shift away from advertising by major companies?


8.    Was Marlboro Friday a knee-jerk reaction by Philip Morris, or had conditions been building up?  Explain.


9.    Why did advertisers consider corporations foolish for participating in a commodity marketplace?


10.           Did branding die?  Explain.