Of Mice and Men

Section 6 99-107 (98-105)


  1. Inside of the first two paragraphs of the sixth chapter, Steinbeck has inserted yet another animal reference. What is it and what is its relevance to the story?
  2. What visions came to Lennie out in his hiding place? What is the relevance of each?
  3. What two things does Lennie ask George to talk about? What is the significance of each?
  4. What confession does George offer Lennie? Why?
  5. What vision does George fill Lennie‘s mind with? What happens soon after?
  6. How does the episode in the previous question tie in to another episode from the book? You will need to cite two episodes to adequately answer this question.
  7. What does Carlson suggest happened?
  8. What does George agree to do with Slim at the end of the book? What does this signify?
  9. What does the significance of Carlson’s last words of the story?

  11. Find & read Robert Burns' poem 'To a Mouse', as well as an analysis of the work. 1786 and explain why it is relevant to this book.