Of Mice and Men

Section 2 – Chapter 2– pgs 16- 39 (18-37)


  1. What suspicions are cast on George and Lennie when they first arrive at the ranch? Consider the exchanges with the boss (21-22) (22), Curly, (25)
  2. (25-26)
  3. Find and summarise the passages that show the relationship Crooks has with the other members of the farm. What does this say about the people on the farm?
  4. Why is Lennie’s name both ironic and symbolic?
  5. Find examples of foreshadowing in this chapter. Cite the line, the page number and explain why it is foreshadowing.
  6. Steinbeck has used animals in this story as a tool to set scenes and draw out emotions in the reader. Sift through the first two chapters and cite (with page references) the instances where animals are mentioned. For each case, explain how Steinbeck has used the animals as a literary device, be it foreshadowing, symbolism, or simply part of the background.