Of Mice and Men
Chapter 1
- Where and when does this story take place? What evidence provides
this information?
- Go online and research the life and times of John Steinbeck. How does
this information contribute to the appreciation of this work?
- Research the social climate of the United States (and California in
particular) during the 1930s. How does this information contribute to
the appreciation of the work?
- Read the first paragraph where we are introduced George and Lennie
("They had walked single file down the path…"). Without even
"meeting" them, Steinbeck has skilfully summed the two men
up. What precise choices of language have defined these men before we
even meet them?
- Look at the first dialogue spoken by either of the two men. Immediately,
Steinbeck has defined an unbalanced relationship where one is superior
to the other. How?
- George refers to Lennie as a "crazy bastard" on numerous
occasions. "Crazy" is a term that has many connotations in
our society. Explain your interpretation of Lennie’s situation, citing
examples (and pg references) to support your answers.
- George often uses very harsh tones with Lennie, but it becomes apparent
that he is not truly malicious toward Lennie. Cite episodes and examples
that prove this.
- Why does Lennie offer to run off and live in the hills?
- What is the importance of George and Lennie’s goal of getting their
own place and "live off the fatta the land"?