

Carma Mills.
Carma was a 32 year old women living in
Salina’s. She was found in the barn behind
The men’s workplace.
She was related to Earnie Dodge, Betsy Harper.
Earnie currently lives in Georgia and has a wife
with two kids, Betsy lives in Hawaii and is a
widow. She also was currently married to
Curly Mills.
They are both are devastated and
said to donate all the money to the kids help
The funeral is on November 29 and is at 2:00
P.M and anyone is welcome to come and pay
their respect to Carma Mills.
A special request from the family is they are
going through a rough time and are asking not
to be bothered too much because they are going
through a rough time and they want to be
repected for that


Lennie Small
Died on December 15th , 1930 found in the
Relatives live in South Carolina and
do not want anything to do with him
his occupation is being a farmer on
The Ranch and he was shot in the
no names have been released.
Lennie would like all money made to
the farm because they are in desperate
need of the money, so it could be
used in all sorts of different
His funeral is on December 18th 1930,
and anyone who new Lennie is welcome
at the service and barrel.