Vocabulary 21-40
Short-answer quiz

1* To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self- admiring way.
* To speak of with excessive pride

2· A burden of duty or responsibility.

3· A depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person.
· One held to resemble such a scoundrel: scamp.

4* A jumble of loud, usually harsh sounds.

5Not divided or shared with others: exclusive publishing rights.
· Complete; undivided:
· Denying some or most, as from membership or participation.

6· Grossly wicked or deserving of criticism; abominable.

7· Dealing with matters with regard to their practical requirements or consequences.

A philosophy that evaluates solely by their practical consequences and bearing on human interests.

8* Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
* Frayed or worn out by use.

9· Lavish, abundant.

10Unselfish concern for the welfare of others;

11Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful.
Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful.

12*Being the only one of its kind.
*Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled

13· A word formed from the initial letters of other words.

· The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
· The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting.

15· To cause to continue indefinitely.
· To prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered.

16* An overused expression or idea. "The coach praised his players for giving 110% effort."

17· Not genuine: counterfeit, sham.

18· Relating to a display generated by software (i.e. a word processor) that reflects the finished appearance of a printed or electronic document. (must be all caps)

19· Lacking education or knowledge.
· Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge:
· Unaware or uninformed

20Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time.