The 5-Way Sentence

The goal of the 5-way sentence is to hook readers inside the first couple of sentences of a story. This is acheived by providing a lot of essential information, a glimpse of action, and a lot of anticipation for the reader. A successful 5-way sentence creates the feeling that the story has already started and the reader has been dragged along for the ride. Alert readers must figure out what has already happened while also keeping up with the story as it unfolds. It is not an easy task to create, but when done properly the 5-way sentence is a very effective writing device.


Students were asked to create three 5-way sentences, pick one, then develop the characters and plot around the beginning of their story. Students were expected to pass in their good copy, rough copy, character development page, and plot development page.

The notes on the 5-way sentence follow:

The Five Way Sentence

  • Is an effective way to get stories started.
  • Found at the start of a story.
  • Can be two sentences, but should not be three or more
  • Creates a situation where the reader feels the story has started without them - the reader has to catch up.


  • Who
  • "What like" (describing word or phrase)
  • Suggestion of when (not necessarily specific time)
  • Suggestion of where
  • What he/she is doing - start in the middle of the story
