Media Studies 12
Horton High School
Mr. Scott Bennett OR

Media Studies 12

Media Studies 12 is the critical study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs. Using Marshall McLuhan’s observations of media, its extensions of man and his Laws of Media as a foundation, Media Studies 12 offers students an opportunity to appreciate, critically investigate, evaluate and design information using new media technologies

A collection of course attributes is as follows. Remember, as a new course, this list is tentative:

1) The Alphabet Effect
“By the meaningless sign linked to the meaningless sound, we have built the shape and meaning of Western man” – M.M.
More than just a means of reading and writing, the phonetic alphabet has played an instrumental role in the logical style of analysis that is characteristic of the Western way of thinking, as evidenced in Western science, law, engineering, economics and social organisation.

2) Understanding Media: Extensions of Man
What is media? The common notion of “media” is actually pretty narrow. We’ll look at McLuhan’s definition of media and how they affect us.

3) Manufacturing Consent
Despite claims of “Fair and Balanced” and “All the News That’s Fit to Print”, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky devised a propaganda model to explain a media behaviour that distracts and coerces more than it informs.

4) No Logo
People don’t buy “stuff”, they buy image. In an age of ubiquitous corporate presence, we will explore the phenomenon of branding; developing the brand, establishing the brand and protecting the brand as the key to separating people from their money.

5) asterisk*
In addition to reading, writing and sharing ideas, students will create their own environment for sharing insights with the world. Students will take on various roles in the development and creation of our own online magazine. This format allows students to explore visual and audio reporting as well as text-based reporting.

6) Journals and student participation
This is a course that intends to be student-driven. Participation in class discussion (oral and online discussion forums), preparedness for class and punctual, consistent attendance are essential.


Writing journals / portfolio 30 % Mid-term mark 0% (just a barometer of success in the class to date)
Assignments & Projects 55%    
Quizzes and Tests 15 % End term mark 100%


TOTAL 100%   100%

NOTE – This is a tentative evaluation breakdown and may change depending on the materials covered.

The success of the group is dependant on the co-operation of everyone. I expect you to pass assignments in on time. Budget your time accordingly to ensure all expectations are met on time.

Students are responsible for maintaining the integrity of their work. We will be sharing our ideas with the world; you don’t want the world to call you on your plagiarism. This also means the person who lets his/her work get copied gets the same zero as the one who copied it! If you insist on working with a friend on a solo project, make sure the two of you don't pass in the same (or closely similar) work. You may cite similar sources, and may even use some of the same quotes to support your views, but you are all very unique people who interpret and express thoughts differently. This should be reflected in your work

I fully expect you to put forth your best effort for all the work you pass in. Failure to do so will be reflected in your marks.

*** If you have an issue that you feel needs specific attention or consideration, please let me know. In the past, students who have not brought things to my attention have suffered because of their silence. Those who have talked to me have said that I can be accommodating and helpful. At the end of the day, our goal is to not only be students, but successful students.