“Don’t Fear the Digital” by Steven Johnson
TIME magazine, March 27, 2006

  1. State the thesis and rationale (what is Johnson’s point, and what main argument he uses to support it) of this article.
  2. Does the writer feel strongly about the argument he’s making in this essay?  How do you know?  Find examples of language choices in this article that support your answer
  3. Does the writer base any of his arguments in research or scientific fact?  Does this affect the validity of his arguments?  Explain.
  4. This article about technology was written in 2006.  In technological terms, that’s a long time ago.  Identify some dated references he makes in the article.  Do the dated references negatively affect the message he wishes to get across?
  5. Has the passing of time since this article was written strengthened or weakened Johnson’s argument?  Explain.