“The Wall-Reader”

by Fiona Barr

1. How does Fiona Barr establish the setting on p.231? How did you figure out the “time” aspect of the setting?

2. The “shapes of Belfast” are described in the second paragraph of this story. How would you describe the “shapes “ of your neighborhood?

3. Use a dictionary to find definitions for the following words:


  • anarchy
  • euphemism
  • erudite
  • banal

4. Why does the narrator seem to enjoy reading the walls?


5. How is the park described? Why do you think the author chose such a park for the narrator to sit in? What does the narrator enjoy most about the park?

6. What is ironic about comparing the soldier in his turret to a priest in a confessional, considering the setting of the story?


7. Describe the relationship between “the voice” and the narrator. Why do they continue to communicate?

8. What line, from the second full paragraph on p.234, foreshadows the discovery of the painted warning on the couple’s house?


9. Why does the narrator finally decide to leave Belfast with her family?

    10. How has the narrator’s attitude toward the work of the graffiti painters changed at the end of the story? Why has her attitude changed?
