
by Thomas King


  1. How does the author establish the setting for this story?
  2. What do you think the narrator means when he writes about his son’s use of language in the second paragraph of the story?
  3. What technique does the author use to develop the characters of the narrator and his wife, Alberta, starting on on page 112?
  4. Summarize the content of the conversation that the narrator and Christopher have on page 113-114. Are the two characters really communicating with each other?
  5. Why do you think the author includes the memories that the narrator has of his own father in this story?
  6. What is Christopher’s reaction to the “stick” story? How could his reaction be seen to symbolize the differences between their generations?
  7. What could the green fishing tackle box symbolize?
  8. Do you think that the narrator has any regrets at the conclusion of this story? If so, explain why.
  9. Thomas King is known for his ability to inject humour into his stories. What examples of humour do we see in "Traplines"? Why do you think Thomas chose to inject humour in this story?