"A Friend in Need"

By W. Somerset Maugham


  1. What event inspires our narrator to tell this story?
  2. What is the theme of this story?  Support your answer.
  3. Provide an evaluative character sketch of Lenny Burton.  (By “evaluative”, I want you to evaluate your own reactions toward this character as he meanders through the story.  Provide more information than merely what’s written on the page.  Support your views with examples.). DO NOT DRAW PICTURES!
  4. What is the function of Mr. Turner in this story?  Is it effective?  What are other possible ways one might provide the same effect in a story?
  5. Is there a surprise ending in this story?  Why or why not?
  6. Are there any examples of irony in this story?  Explain.
  7. Are there examples of foreshadowing in this story?  Explain.