Independent Novel Study

Creative challenges

***Choose one from each section***

SECTION 1: Written components - about 400 words. CHOOSE ONE of A or B.

A. What’s the back story?  
Choose 4 major characters and explain the circumstances that got us to the starting point of the story.  What have they been up to prior to us “meeting” them?  What influences and circumstances find them at this stage in their lives?  What experiences have molded their personality and attitude to date?  Provide evidence from your reading to support your claims.


B. Where do we go from here?
Catch up with your 4 major characters* 10 or 20 years later (clearly state which time frame you wish to explore).  What have they been up to since the end of your book?  How have the events of our story shaped their future?     Provide evidence from your reading to support your claims. 


SECTION 2: Artistic efforts –  Minimum size 17x11 paper or equivalent. For artistic efforts, you need to provide an “artist’s statement” that explains the rationale behind your choices. CHOOSE ONE of C or D.

C. When did it happen?
Create an illustrated timeline (in colour) of events in your book.  Make sure your time line includes at least 10 events with a 2 sentence description and a small illustration describing each event and uses original images.  Provide page references that correspond to your choices.


D. Map the story
 Create an original colour map of the events of the story, labeling significant events in their corresponding location.  Depending on the book, you will either need to create the locations in question (using evidence from the book to dictate your decisions) or locate your events on an existing, detailed map.  The size of your map will be dictated by the events of the story.  You are welcome to put a large scale context map in the corner of your smaller scale map.  Label your events and, in your legend, explain what happened in those locations.  Use page references to support claims.