
Introductory assignment.

You will work in small groups to complete this report. Research the appropriate outlets to find information and DEVELOP A PRESENTATION to share with the class.


  1. Characteristics of the Shakespearean tragedy
  2. The Shakespearean tragic hero
  3. Structure of the five act play
  4. The "real" Macbeth: historical counterparts to characters in the play
  5. Macbeth as a cursed production
  6. Fate - what is it?
  7. Pathetic fallacy - what is it and how does it play a part in Macbeth?
  8. Shakespeare in pop culture
  9. "The great chain of being"
  10. Scotland in the 11th century: Government and politics, technology (transportation) and arts.
  11. *****The Globe theatre - design of the structure and the experience of attending a performance – nobleman and groundling. PLUS: Explain how the environment influenced the way Shakespeare shared his plays. .

***you should be able to share 3 ideas:

1) Identify the concept - not everyone will be familiar with it, or might not realize that that's what this concept is called.

2) Offer a pop-culture or real world example - some current or well-known story, situation or event that offers a good example of the concept.

3) Tie it back to Macbeth. I know you have not read the play yet, but skim through a summary online and see if you can offer suggestions for the class to "keep an eye out" for certain twists, turns, clues or signs that might pop up during the play.

Search around the internet and hard copy resources to find the information you will share with the class. Make sure you give credit to the sources you cite with a properly formatted Works Cited page at the end of your presentation.