English 11
Short Stories
Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.
1.The story begins with the suggestion of an idyllic country life.
What ominous signs accumulate and foreshadow future conflicts?
2.The impact
of the story depends on the author creating a recognizable, congenial
setting , the placing a horrifying event within it. What is her purpose
in doing this? What social comments does Jackson seem to be making?
Tessie Hutchinson is the "winner" of the lottery. Discuss:
How Tessie first views the lottery and how she changes her views;
Old Man Warner's views.
The views of the other villagers, as evidenced by their actions,
The views of other villages, based on the evidence we are given.
Suggest reasons for each.
4.How does Jackson
use symbols symbolism to express theme? Examine the many symbols in the
story to help develop your answer.
5. do both of
the following activities:
* Consider the ritual
sacrifice of Tessie. For what is she being sacrificed? Is she a scapegoat?
List similar activities you have heard of (i.e bullfighting). Critically
examine the event and share your findings with the class.
* Consider the theme
of the story. Do you agree or disagree with it? Why? Support your answers
with evidence from current events, history, literature, and mass media.