CLASS (pg. 8)
by John Chun

1. Why is the positioning of the icons in this story significant?
2. What does each icon represent?
3. Is there significance to the fact that the poet has labeled himself in the poem? What might the significance be?
4. Since his icon is not the same as any other, what might he be doing?
5. This poem uses only two words, but still remains effective. Why?


1. What literary device is used in this poem?
2. How does the use of that literary device contribute to the telling of the message?
3. What message is the poet trying to get across to the reader? Why is this an important message for students in Mr. Bennett's English course?

by Matthew Dale

1. This is a poem that one must view in order to appreciate. In a well-written paragraph, explain why seeing this poem is essential to the poetry. (HINT: consider the title of the poem when answering.)


by Roger McGough
(This poem has been published in other texts in the traditional black on white format)

1. The title of this poem has two distinct meanings. What are they?
2. Explain the presence of the line in the middle of the poem.
3. How is it possible that a net will "still be between them"?
4. Look carefully at the positioning of the words in this poem. What happens to the reader's eyes as the poem is read?
5. How does the effect mentioned in question 4 tie into both meanings of the poem?

Is My Team Ploughing
by A. E. Housman

1. How many people are "speaking" in this poem?
2. What is unusual about one of the speakers? How do you know?
3. In simple terms, what are the questions asked by one speaker?
4. What tone is offered in the reply?
5. Are the words of the message and the tone consistent? Why or why not?
6. What has the second speaker done since the departure of the first speaker?
7. Based on this poem, what would you say about the poet's personality? What is his message about mortality?
8. Read "When I Was One and Twenty" by the same author. Does this poem support your first impression of the poet's personality? Use examples to support your answer.

Five Ways to Kill a Man
by Edwin Brock

1. For each of the first four stanzas, state specifically what is being described. Use examples from the poem to support your answers.
2. Why are these methods considered cumbersome?
3. Why is the suggestion in the fifth stanza simpler?
4. What message do you think the poet is trying to get across in the fifth stanza? Use examples to support your opinion.

5. Do you agree with Mr. Brock's opinion of human nature and the twentieth century? Write a full page, single spaced response to the following question;
Did people do more good or harm in the 20th/21st century?


The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost

1. What dilemma does the poet face in the opening stanza?
2. Does one road seem to be more appealing than the other? Use examples from the poem to support your answer.
3. What point is Frost making about the nature of the situation he finds himself in (consider lines 14-15)?
4. Why do you think the final stanza start with a sigh?
5. Write down in a sentence or two expressing what you think the poet is trying to say. Begin your sentences: "I feel/ I think the author is trying to say…"
6. Would Robert Frost and O. Henry ("The Roads We Take") share similar philosophies about important decisions? Explain your position, using examples from each piece of literature

Curriculum Vitae IV

by Walter Bauer

  1. Write a biography of Walter Bauer using the information provided in the poem.  For each decision you make about his life, tie it back to the poem.  Use line numbers to outline the references that led to your decisions.


I Am A Canadian

by Duke Redbird

  1. Identify any unfamiliar terms.
  2. Explain why this poem is successful
  3. Explain one example of  form used by Duke Redbird.
  4. Write your own 10 line ‘I am” poem:
    • Valley kid
    • Horton Student.

by Lewis Carroll
This poem is full of words that you are most likely unfamiliar with. Nevertheless, it is still an effectively communicated poem. Make sure you do the following questions in order.
1. Paraphrase the events of each stanza using your own words. You do not need a 1-1 ratio of your words to Carroll's, but try to capture the message of each stanza.
2. Underline all the words you are not familiar with in this poem.
3. Look up all the words you are unsure of, and provide definitions.
4. Look up the word "onomatopoeia" on page 2 of your booklet. How does this word tie in to this poem?
5. How does the poet manage to create an effective poem with so many non-words?
6. Draw and colour an illustration to describe this poem. On the back of your illustration, provide a write-up explaining your artistic decisions. (This will be handed in.

by Morris Bishop

1. What is "7X-3824"?
2. Why is 7X-3824 a source of vexation for the speaker?
3. What happened at the end of the poem?
4. Is it possible that the episode described here could be a metaphor for a bigger issue?
· If so what issues could this episode also describe?
· If not, what makes this experience unique to this episode only?
5. Why do you think the poet called this poem "Ambition"? Do you feel it is an appropriate title?
· If so, why?
· If not, explain what you think would be a better title.

The Soldier
by Rupert Brooke

2. Where is the soldier?
3. Where is he from?
4. What is his opinion of his homeland? Explain using examples.
5. This poem was almost called "The Recruit". Would this have been a better name for the poem? Why or why not?
6. This poem is a sonnet, but an unconventional one. Explain (use the notes on the front page of your poetry booklets for assistance.

by Paul Fleischman

1. Why is it important for this story to be read by two people?
2. Does this poem make you re-think the simplicity of life for "lesser beings"? Why or why not?
3. What is the message the poet wishes to present? How does it relate to us?

The Execution
by Alden Nowlan

1. In a couple of sentences, explain what has happened by the end of this poem.
2. How do you think Nowlan feels about capital punishment?
3. Does this scenario seem possible?
If so, explain.
If not, what is the value of this example?

The Eagle
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

1. Discuss the use of imaginative language. Cite the dynamic word uses and explain how they benefit the poem.
2. The opening line of this poem has a repetition of the hard 'c' sound. What is this literary effect called?
3. How does the literary device described in the previous question increase the reader's appreciation of the story?


Point Scored

by C. Gardenas Dwyer