Animal Farm

Introductory assignment.

You will work in small groups to complete this report. Research the appropriate outlets to find information and DEVELOP A PRESENTATION to share with the class.

Three ideas you’ll share with your presentation:

1)Explain the concept/phenomenon/issue/person.

2) Offer a pop-culture or real world example - some current or well-known story, situation or event that offers a good example of the concept (if applicable - this might not apply, it might tie thoroughly with your topic).

3)Tie it back to Animal Farm - Quotes and page references.



1. George Orwell – his life, writings and influences

2. Snowball – role, function, and historical counterpart.

3. Napoleon – role, function, and historical counterpart.

4. Russian Revolution of 1917. Causes, events and outcome (short term & long term)

5. The Fable as a story telling genre. Definition, function, characteristics, famous writers, examples.

6. Propaganda - what is it, why do people use it, who does it work?

7. Socialism as a political ideology. Definition, model, real world examples.

8. "The Purges" - What were they, what happened, to whom?

9. "5 year plan" as an economic model - what is it? In particular, look at Stalin's 5 year plan -  goal, function, outcome.

10. Gaslighting - what is it, why do people use it, why does it work?


Search around the internet to find the information you will share with the class. Make sure you give credit to the sources you cite with a Works Cited page at the end of your presentation.