Chapter Six

1. Was Sunday work really voluntary? Explain your answer.
2. Why were the animals forced to engage in trading practices with neighboring farms?
3. How did Napoleon explain the need for contact with humans, and how did Squealer deal with the animals’ feelings that this contact was in conflict with their earlier resolutions?
4. How had the pigs altered the fourth commandment? Why was this done?
5. Who does Napoleon blame for the destruction of the windmill? What is his purpose for assigning blame in this instance?

Chapter Seven

1. Why was it necessary for the animals to conceal the fact that they were facing starvation?
2. How does Squealer attempt to rewrite the story of Snowball’s role in the rebellion?
3. Why were the three hens executed? Provide the “official” reason and the actual reason, as you perceive it.
4. Why did Napoleon arrange the confessions and executions? What effect did it have on the other animals?
5. What is Boxer’s reaction to the executions?
6. What is the essential difference between “Beasts of England” and the new song created by Minimus the poet?

Chapter Eight

1. How was the sixth commandment altered? Why?
2. What indications are evident in Chapter Eight that Napoleon wishes to be treated as a godlike figure by the other animals? Create a brief list.
3. Define the term “scapegoat”. How might Snowball be viewed as a scapegoat in the novel Animal Farm?
4. Why did Pilkington refuse to assist the animals, when Frederick attacked? What was the response that the pigeons brought back to Napoleon from Pilkington?
5. How was the Fifth Commandment altered at the close of the chapter? Why do you think it, and several other commandments, have been changed over time? Are the pigs establishing a pattern of behavior here? If so, what is it?
6. Was the “Battle of the Windmill” truly a victory, as Squealer suggests? Explain.